
The importance of maximising data transfer and website optimisationBy Oliver
11th November, 2013 at 09:02

AWD has been operating now for 14 years. That's a long time in the web. It's a fairly long time for any modern business, but especially the web. Back when AWD first launched, there was no Facebook or Twitter. Google was less than a year old as an incorporated company, and still churning away limited searches from the garage of Susan Wojcicki, a friend of the Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Yes, it was early days for the web.

Will all websites move to flat design?By Gareth
22nd October, 2013 at 07:15

Designing flat is something 2013 has brought to the table. In fact it's now the standard for new websites. For a change we have Microsoft to blame (or thank depending on how you look at it) instead of Apple. With iOS7, Apple have actually taken on board what others are doing.

The future is intuitive web designBy Gareth
17th July, 2013 at 14:51

Designing for web has changed consistently over the past couple of years. Website technology moves vastly and in times where HTML can now be considered we are going to welcome the birth of intuitive website design

Shark AttackBy Richard
6th June, 2013 at 11:11
Shark Attack

Futsal is the latest craze to sweep through the world of football in the UK. This fast moving South American game has been credited as being amongst the reasons so many of the world best football players have originated from South America, including the likes of Messi, Xavi, Ronaldinho, Robinho and Ronaldo.

An exciting summer ahead for AWDBy Gareth
6th May, 2013 at 11:12

The past year has been a pretty hectic time for Advanced Web Designs Ltd. As well as working on websites for new and existing customers, we have been working on a number of other projects. This summer we can finally launch them ensuring our continued support and remaining at the forefront of our industry.

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    Yet more great support for the NHS from our cus...Great support for the NHS from our customer @st...Great support for the NHS from our customer @me...Lets work together so we can all be together...Team AWD beating Corvus-19 by working from home...Introducing the third website weve developed...