Lots of new websites

By Gareth
6th August 2010 at 16:39

Here at Advanced Web Designs we have been very busy over the last few months developing some interesting websites for Hertfordshire based customers. The culmination of all our hard work has meant that we have recently launched a number of new websites and are just finishing a few more which will be going live very soon.

Content Managed website ‘Real Estate Worldwide’ developed to help investors locate some cracking deals on properties all around the world and ‘Tot Friendly’, a site dedicated to help families with babies and young children find local activities as well as child friendly holidays, days out and restaurants have both just gone live.

We’ve also just put 'T2Hole' live, an e-commerce website dedicated to the promotion and selling of a brand new golf improvement invention. For any golfers out there, this really is a great product and even guarantees to improve your golf within 30 days or they’ll give you your money back. The site is full of helpful video clips which covers just about every golfing problem you will ever come across.

We’ve also just completed a new ecommerce website for the antique map shop ‘Gillmark Gallery’ in Hertford. The customer is currently populating the website which will be live soon. This site uses a few cool features and so we’re as keen as the customer to get this one live to show off some of our development skills.

Finally, another website that we’re just waiting to go live with is 'Robert Green Estate Agent'. This site has a sharp modern design with some great functionality….other estate agents will be jealous!

There are plenty more websites in development which we’ll keep you updates about as and when they go live.

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