Gearing up for the winter

By Gareth
6th October 2012 at 09:04

AWD have had an incredibly busy summer this year which has also continued through to the autumn. As expected, people are now preparing for Christmas and launches of their websites as well as targeted releases that stretch into the New Year.

Just gone live is the brand new e commerce site The Carp Store. The online shop is the new dedicated site and formally known as the Angling Publications Shop. As well as using our bespoke commerce solution, the site has many fantastic features that are new to the AWD portfolio. The Loyalty Points scheme is not just your standard system; it encompasses a variety of complex multi-buy incentives from a range of different categories and products. The system will soon become part of the KonnexShop platform (our bespoke e-commerce Content Management System) so we can offer complex loyalty systems to a range of customers in different markets.

Our continued agreement with Atmosphere Bar and Clubs, a nationwide chain offering several concepts of bar and clubs to the public, has seen us diversify into many interesting fields. Our developers are currently working on a Menu Builder Functionality for one of its brands Modello which will have a functionality to upload special menus for events or weekends via their bespoke CMS. In the seasonal run up another brand Chicago’s is launching several new events, at AWD we build all of Chicago’s events into their online booking system and look forward to launching these ready for Christmas.

Facebook app integration is the next big move for our work with this customer in order to stay ahead of the competition we are researching into advanced Photo Galleries that link between the brand’s Facebook and website; this will incorporate tagging, user comments and uploading features. AWD have always championed the importance of social networking no just for user experience but to enhance SEO capabilities, we can advise you on this for all new builds.

AWD continues to push ahead with innovative designs and developments to compliments our clients’ interesting business models and looks forward to a new season of work.

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