Industry News

Google's Profits Up 9%By Gareth
17th April, 2009 at 12:17

Google is reaping the benefits of a shift to online advertising from traditional media as well as a cost cutting drive.

Microsoft encourages upgrade to IE8By Gareth
14th April, 2009 at 09:43

In the third week of April 2009, Microsoft will start requesting users upgrade their Internet Explorer 6 and 7 versions to the latest version 8. The move could be an effort for Microsoft to regain the IE leadership over Firefox for a specific version.

Google tweaks search engine resultsBy Gareth
30th March, 2009 at 16:11

Two new changes have recently been added by the Mountain View California based company for improved searches allowing people to find more relevant information. Keywords searches longer than three words will provide longer descriptions about the pages brought up in results.

BBC reports 'The internet is good for you'By Gareth
11th February, 2009 at 21:36

For middle-aged and older people at least, using the internet helps boost brain power, research suggests.

Record Internet Sales ReportedBy Richard
25th January, 2009 at 23:58

Online retailers benefitted from a sharp rise in internet sales in the run up to Christmas as total online sales were up over 19% on the same period last year. This growth builds on the already impressive previous year figures. Internet sales have been increasing year on year as more and more people realise the power of buying online.

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