Company News

AWD begin work on CMS version 4By Gareth
1st June, 2012 at 17:50

Advanced Web Designs (AWD) have been exceptionally busy the past few months on a number of new projects as well as looking after existing customers with new website features and systems. Our existing Content Management System (CMS) version 3 is proving to be very successful for not only our customers but our development time too.

Second Quarter plans for 2012By Gareth
1st April, 2012 at 12:19

It has been a busy few month here in our offices at AWD with a number of new websites launched. The second quarter of 2012 shows no sign of stopping with many other sites coming online very shortly. We will also be starting a very “hush, hush” project next week.

CMS Version 3 now in full swingBy Gareth
25th February, 2012 at 12:09

With our last three websites, we have incorporated our brand new CMS system. After 5 years since our first, core elements have been completely reworked. The result is a robust and as always an extremely ease to use system.

2012 is the year of new technology for AWDBy Gareth
27th January, 2012 at 00:04

This year web technology will take a huge leap forward with the introduction of HTML5 in websites as well as the continual use of jQuery technology throughout our portfolio. Every new site we develop is now built in the latest standards making us the leading web designers in the industry. As you will see from new sites to be included in our portfolio, we have diverse technical experience and captivating design that maximise the full potential of any new website.

A busy time in the world of web designBy Gareth
22nd December, 2011 at 14:45

November and December have been incredibly busy months for us!

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    Yet more great support for the NHS from our cus...Great support for the NHS from our customer @st...Great support for the NHS from our customer @me...Lets work together so we can all be together...Team AWD beating Corvus-19 by working from home...Introducing the third website weve developed...