A busy summer for the AWD team

By Gareth
27th July 2012 at 15:57

The past few months have been a very busy period for our team. As well as ongoing work for customers such as Chicago's and Water Chariots, we have developed a number of amazing new websites.

The website redesign of Pounds, an e-commerce shop that does rental of domestic appliances and audio visual equipment has just gone live.

Due to launch soon are e-commerce site that sells dog crate beds and covers and a site that sells everything to do with pet reptiles from food to tanks. The reptile site is no ordinary e-commerce platform. It allows for direct integration into Google products search, Amazon and various parcel delivery services. The site is probably one of the most compressive e-commerce websites from AWD. Each feature has been careful crafted ensuring great usability and flexibility. We always pride ourselves in using bespoke developments and this one really shines. The site is due for launch early August.

As mentioned previously work for our latest CMS is well underway with fantastic new features such as drag and drop functionality and advanced reporting. The new software will be take brochure style, e-commerce, estate agents and booking system sites by storm with its easy to use and highly powerful interface. Until now, there has not been a CMS system that is as versatile as the one developed here in AWD’s offices. We are really proud and can’t wait to start using it on customers sites in the Autumn.

Perhaps the most powerful new system is phase 2 for Orchards Cookery. Their new platform sports a completely interactive booking and allocation system with direct management of bookings using a bespoke drag and drop system. Our skills in this project will save Orchards Cookery a huge amount of admin time and offer them reporting that makes them see their bookings with great perspective.

Finally, in August we take on yet another member of staff by welcoming aboard Kyle, our new account manager. His role will be to look after key clients and take care of our marketing. 2012 has been AWD’s most exciting year and it shows no sign of stopping.

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